Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It is hot out therrrrre. Nah mean!?

Cat on a hot tin roof!  Oops!  That is the street.

Would I sound like a total jerk if I begin complaining about the heat this early in the year?  I am not made for this warm climate.  And I look like a wilted flower already.  This is going to be a long Summer.


  1. It's a gorgeous day! I love it! My hot African blood rejoices!

    I walked to Ueno Park this morning to check whether the blossoms have really opened, as has been reported. (Answer: yes.) I was halfway there when I realized I was actually perspiring! Happiness. :)

  2. No way! We talked about Ueno park in class on Tuesday. We also talked about how many people drank too much last year at the party under the blooms! It is really lovely out! Maybe a tad hot for my taste, but the sun feels pretty good after all this wind!
