Monday, January 30, 2012

Lots of meat to meet.

Happy Birthday, Patrick!
Patrick spent most of his birthday sitting at school and interviewing possible students.  So, we took him out to a late night dinner of yaki niku.  This is basically tons of meat that you cook on your own little HOT grill. It was dark and sort of spooky in there, and totally dirty.  Just look at those red cheeks and that wall behind the kids.  The food was great.  But, the ¥100 self service drink bar was probably our favorite.  We have not been drinking soda so we drank lots of soda.  So much, that we needed two straws and Miyo got lots of exercise going back and forth from our table to the soda fountain.  We got home pretty late and the kids both passed out while I finished a book and Patrick watched a movie.  Most days are like this.  Pretty awesome.


  1. When was his birthday?! This is a Very Serious Question. Mine was yesterday, on the 29th! (No, really.) Happy birthday, Patrick! ^^

    1. Patrick is a rabbit born on the 29th! Happy Birthday! No way. How crazy.

    2. You got yourself a husband who was born on the 29th of January? Oh, but you have excellent taste! ^^ When is your birthday?

      PS: This *is* a bit weird.

  2. Not weird at all. I am getting used to everyone asking me how old I am. In the US, it is rude. Here, everyone asks how old you are. I was born March 26, 1981. I am 30. Yikes.
